SV9100 CP10 (Central Processing Unit)
NEC Corporation of America announces the End of Life (EOL) for the UNIVERGE SV9100 GCD-CP10, a central processing unit.
End of New Sales Announcement:
The UNIVERGE SV9100 GCD-CP10 was announced as End of New Sales (EON) on November 20, 2020, and manufacturing ceased on December 31, 2023.
Recommended Upgrade:
The recommended replacement is the SV9100 GCD-CP20, a more powerful and Ray Baum’s Act compliant CPU.
Benefits of Upgrading:
– Seamless integration with NEC’s UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT BRIDGE for a unified communication experience including voice transmission, chat with AI Assistant, audio/video conferencing, and file sharing/backup.
– Compliance with Ray Baum’s Act, enhancing employee safety by providing a “dispatchable location” for emergency calls.
Support for Non-Upgrading Customers:
NEC offers to waive the Software Assurance (SWA) reinstatement fee until December 31, 2024, for customers who choose not to upgrade immediately. End of Maintenance and Support is scheduled for December 31, 2025
Contact us at 602-331-7200 to schedule a consultation, or if you would prefer an email click here
Important Update on your UM8000 Voicemail System
It’s crucial to inform you about significant changes to the UM8000 Voicemail System, which has reached its end-of-life (EOL) status.
What This Means for You:
– End of Support: The UM8000 system will no longer receive software updates or bug fixes after 12/31/2023.
– Limited Repair Options: Post EOL, obtaining replacement parts will be challenging, and complex issues may not be resolvable.
Your Options:
Consider moving to NEC’s UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT for a future-proof, cloud-based solution.
If you adopt NEC’s recommendation to move to InMail, here is what will change for you: InMail vs. UM8000:
– InMail offers up to 240 hours of storage compared to UM8000’s 500 hours.
– InMail supports up to 128 mailboxes, suitable for smaller setups.
Take Action Now:
To avoid disruptions, we recommend discussing your options with us.
Contact us at 602-331-7200 to schedule a consultation, or if you would prefer an email click here

AUGUST 17TH, 2023
Due to changing market conditions, worldwide component shortage, and limited stock, the time has come to announce the impending End of Life for the Desk Console (SN716 DESKCON-C & SN718 H/M Add-On Con-A). This has been a very successful and long-standing NEC terminals product portfolio offering. We hope it has served you well.
Product Life Cycle Definition of Terms
– End of New System Sales (EON) – The product cannot be ordered for new system sales. Existing orders will be fulfilled as inventory allows.
– End of Life (EOL) – The product is reaching the End-of-Life Cycle regarding development, enhancements, and availability.
– End of Support (EOS) – EOS represents the end of pre-sales and post-sales technical assistance. Customers cannot receive technical assistance, such as configuration help or NTAC support, once the EOS date is reached.
Take Action Now:
To avoid disruptions, we recommend discussing your options with us.
Contact us at 602-331-7200 to schedule a consultation, or if you would prefer an email click here
This Product Bulletin was initially published on June 22, 2020.
UPDATE: Due to the worldwide chip and hardware shortage, NEC is extending support for 8U hardware through December 2022.
The time has come to announce the impending End of Life/Support for ALL SV9500 8U hardware components. This includes the hardware listed in the table below and ALL SPA line and trunk cards. The 8U hardware has been available for many years; however, the raw materials to manufacture the parts are becoming harder and harder to source. NEC will continue to sell the components until the current stock is exhausted from inventory.
Official support will end on December 31, 2022.
Take Action Now:
To avoid disruptions, we recommend moving to NEC’s UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT for a future-proof, cloud-based solution.
Contact us at 602-331-7200 to schedule a consultation, or if you would prefer an email click here
NEC has announced they will no longer sell the SV8000 product line after December 31, 2015. This affects the SV8100, SV8300, and SV8500 products. NEC will continue to offer their latest SV9000 product line which includes the SV9100, SV9300, and SV9500 products.

Key Dates:
End of Sale – December 31, 2015
End of Support – December 31, 2018
End of Extended Maintenance Support – December 31, 2020
Take Action Now:
To avoid disruptions, we recommend moving to NEC’s UNIVERGE BLUE CONNECT for a future-proof, cloud-based solution.
Contact us at 602-331-7200 to schedule a consultation, or if you would prefer an email click here
We are here to help you!